Wraith  0.1.5
Basic 3D game engine in C++
Wraith API

These are reference of commands to be used by the user. More...

Collaboration diagram for Wraith API:


 Game Initialize and End
 User defined functions to set up and end the game.
 All user defined game entities will be derived from GameObject base class.
 Loading external resources into the game. Uses various resource managers: ModelManager, ShaderManager, TextureManager, ImageManager, and SpriteFontManager.
 A Scene is the place where GameObject entities exists. NOTE: Users will use the SceneManager to access and set scene entities.
 Sprites are 2D entites meant to display either an image using a Sprite entity or a text message using a SpriteString.
 Basic functions to interact with the terrain such computing the normals and points on the terrain.
 These are reference of tools provided by the engine that the user can use. Some are for debugging.

Detailed Description

These are reference of commands to be used by the user.